Hi, My Name is David. I’ve been working in Digital Art for more than 20 Years now. Started as a Graphic Designer my focus shifted more towards 3D production in 2008. After working in VFX I moved into Synthetic Data Generation for Machine Learning. Currently I am the lead procedural Artist at AI.Reverie INC.
I see myself as a CG Generalist with comprehensive knowledge in all areas of 3D Production. My main focus is procedural generation and creating systems that can be reused.
For that I mainly work with Sidefx Houdini.
You can reach me on twitter @microbot23
David Fuhrer
Main Skills
Strong Fundamental CG Skills, VEX Wrangler, Physical Based Shading, Rendering, Procedural Content, 2D Procedural Texturing, Problem Solving, Classical Background in Art and Design
- Procedural Systems, Content and Tool Development
- Node based Workflows
- Parametric and generative Procedural Workflows
- Working with Geospatial Data and Coordinate Systems
- Shape Grammar + Procedural City Generation
- Strong Fundamental understanding of how 3D works at the core level
- VEX Programming
- Lightning and Texturing
- Houdini and Unreal
- C++, Python, C#, Java Script
Employment History
2018 – Now AI.Reverie INC. – Procedural Artist for Synthetic Data
2014 – 2018 Freelancer – 3D Houdini Artist
2013 – 2014 Spektrum44 – CG Artist
2010 – 2013 Freelancer – Digital Artist
2005 – 2010 platform-c – Interactive Designer
2008 – 2012 Houdini Training, Sidefx
Houdini Apprentice Program. Remote
2004 – 2005 Schule für Gestaltung
Graphic Design, Basel, Switzerland
2001 – 2002 SAE College
Multimedia Producer Diploma, Zurich, Switzerland
2000 – 2001 Gewerblich industrielle Berufsschule Bern
Computer Science, Bern, Switzerland
Tools I use
HoudiniFX, Substance Designer, Substance Painter, Megascan Mixer, MEGASCAN BRIDGE
Offline Rendering:
Mantra, Karma
Realtime Rendering:
Unreal Engine
Programming and Scripting:
VEX, Bits of Python
Personal Interest
Computer History, CG History, Astronomy, Digital Art, 80s, 90s tech, MSX Computers, 8bit Games, Arcade Games, Metal Slug 2, Movies, Dota2, Collecting Models and Props, Linux